Based on the conviction that to follow the teachings of He who loves and cares for us, we must love and care for one another, the BOCC Missions Ministry exists as a way for members of BOCC to put their faith and love into ACTION.
Our service takes many forms—from friendship to evangelism, theological education to economic development, serving the sick and shut in to working with children-at-risk.
There is a strong emphasis on world missions at BOCC. The Missions ministry is designed to inform the body of current activities in local, national, and international missions. We seek to provide resources, give opportunity for people to serve, and support missions and missionaries near and far.
Through missions, we seek to share and show God’s love through work, meeting physical needs, prayer and guidance in order to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Body of Christ Church has developed missions through
- Local organizations (Habitat for Humanity, & Wake County Human services)
- Campus missions (Campus Crusade for Christ – IMACT)
- Urban missions (Here’s Life in the Inner City)
- National missions (New Orleans)
- International missions (Ghana and Togo, West Africa, Thailand, Philippines, Nicaragua, and Haiti)