PK said something you have to hear towards the end. You will not believe what he said. Listen now.
1. The reason for thanksgiving
A. Jesus heals 10 lepers… Leviticus 13:46-
B. They cried out for help like 17:14
C. And when he saw them… Luke 17:15
D. And only one of them turned around.
2. Luke 17:13
3. We were undeserving
2. A resistance to thanks-giving
1. What happen to the other nine men?
1. Too busy with details. Psalm 51:17
2. Ungrateful and unthankful…
There secret to happiness is gratitude.
Psalm 92:1
3. Didn’t know or realize… Luke 7 :47
4. Immaturity…
5. Samaritan has a different came system !
3. A rational for giving thanks.
1. Psalms 95 psalms 100
Psalms 107:8
A. It is just because of what God has done for us.?
How to learn be truthful and be grateful with God.
Fill your mine with the truth of God.
Colossians 3 :15
B. The rational to give God thanks.
C. But How do I combat ungratefulness.
D. The real blessing. Luke 17:19